and welcome to Boston Birth Associates!
We have been the calming force for New England’s birthing families
for more than a decade, and we are excited to meet you!
At Boston Birth Associates we find that the families who hire us for
our supportive services have a few things in common.

They are deliberate, and excited about the journey through pregnancy, birth, and welcoming a child into their loving homes.

They are inquisitive knowledge seekers who want to know their options so that they can make the decisions that feel best for them.

They and/or their partners express having high levels of anxiety surrounding one or more parts of the childbirth or newborn process.
New England families have high expectations; they’re planners who take comfort in predictability. Because birth, and babies are some of the most unpredictable things on earth, they turn to the experts at Boston Birth Associates.
Led by owner, Mari Leckel, a professional doula of 10 years, and an esteemed doula trainer for global industry leader, ProDoula, Mari’s expectations on the support she, and her team provide are equally as high as the standards set by her clients.
During times of change and unpredictability a calming force brings security.
During times of overwhelm, a calming force brings focus.
When multiple questions begin with “why” a calming force brings understanding.
When intensity is heightened, a calming force brings peace.
Invite Boston Birth Associates to bring their calming force to your pregnancy, birth, and newborn experience!
Imagine your birth unfolding with you and your partner completely present in the moment. Your doula by your side to guide you through the process, placing their hands in exactly the right spot to relieve the discomfort. Affirming in real-time that what is happening is not only normal, but expected. Answering your questions, and understanding your concerns. With you for every contraction, every push, and every sigh of relief, and joy when your baby is placed in your arms.
Coming home with a new baby after a long, and challenging birth or hospital stay can leave even the most well-equipped new parents exhausted and overwhelmed. Anxiety levels are heightened by lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance is consuming, and the responsibility of learning and caring for a delicate new baby overwhelms. Nourishing and comforting a new baby without previous experience can trigger extreme waves of emotion. Calming postpartum doula support is a phone call away.
A calming childbirth education class leaves a lasting impact that leads to the improved overall birthing experiences for those in attendance. Equipping you with tools for comfort, an understanding of the expected emotional changes, and preparing you with the language to ask the questions you need answers to, our childbirth education classes literally take birth to the next level. Gather the insight you need for a calm birth experience by taking a class today!
“Mari is absolutely amazing!!! Her passion and sincerity radiates through her. Her team is welcoming and attentive to each and every client that walks through the door. I could not speak any highly of the services provided by Boston Birth Associates – from Reiki to doula, childbirth education, you name it!!! Thanks guys, you rock!!
- Tracy P
“You help make a difference in so many new mom’s lives! Thanks for giving back to so many around you. You have a way about you that makes people feel confident, empowered and ‘normal’ despite all the challenges of being a new parent!”
- A.P.
“You’ve helped me so much with your support through my difficult winter with a newborn. You were non-judgmental, caring, and gave me the hope to hang in there because it was going to get better. I didn’t believe you at the time, but I clung to your words and it helped me take things one day at a time.”
- Lisa
“…beyond anything you could ask for, as doulas and as friends. My wife delivered both of our children with their assistance and it couldn’t have made us more comfortable. They came to our house 2-3 times before the due date to coach and advise, they were there with us during delivery and came to the house post-delivery to make sure we were trending correctly. More importantly than how I feel, my wife LOVES them and wouldn’t deliver a child without them by her side.”
- Jess
“How can we properly thank you for everything you have done for our family over the past three months? We appreciate the time you have come to our house, offering physical and emotional support. It is always a blessing, yet also a challenge, to welcome a new baby to a family. Having you available to support us made the transition so much easier! We will certainly miss you and wish you well as you continue to offer your loving support and guidance for other families.”
- The M Family